Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Working at the reference desk, I am familiar with netlibrary. I do think that netlibrary is very user friendly. I have not encountered people having trouble setting up an account or using this site. Customer are thrilled that they can read from home. Since I already had an account, I just played around to refresh my mind. I found some interesting books. I personnally like the browse approach but I did try a subject search. I even placed some more books into my favorites. Check out the book Blogrules. Seemed to go along with this challenge.
I had been on Bartley and project Gutenberg before for one of my classes. They are alright. Again I just enjoy browsing the different quotations. Never seem to have to much luck if I am trying to find a quote about a certain subject.

1 comment:

OCL Web Things said...

I never can find a quotation when I want one on a particular subject. I think I used to be able to. I wonder if they've changed the way their search works.