Wednesday, May 14, 2008

listennj success


i have accomplished ALL the task and am still alive to blog about it.
I had to use the PC in the library to actual complete this task but it did work. Once I got started and the downloads actually started to work, I will say the process was easy to understand. I loaded the player onto the desktop, upgraded the media player, listened to a tutorI found. Then I could not find the books again, but they where lurking at the bottom of the screen. Once I found them, was able to download the two books I chose and actual listen. The quality for very good. I think I will rate this process on a normal scale in use and task accomplishment. The process took awhile because I did not have the right equipment to do the task. I do not have a player of any kind so I could not try the other types of downloading.
I feel so GOOD that I can say ELAINE has finished the tasked and hope I have qualified for the prize.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Web 3.0

AND here we go! What on earth is Web 3.0? In my poor confused mind, I would say Web 3.0 is the new envolving technology of the future. It is being developed to enable programmers to let machines /software relate to each other. It is the mother of search engines, way beyond the searching of today. Maybe I will term this as a search engine with a mind. The concept is rather frighting if one thinks of it this way.
Once again I want to thank the OCL committee for allowing the staff to participate in this learning experience. When I started, I was not sure if I could make it through the process but I have kept up with the commitment and finished.

23 and done

As I have said many times in the post on this blog: "This has been a time consuming challenge for me." YES, I did enjoy the process and do feel that I have learned many new skills. I think some I will continue but others probably not.
I am going to say that youtube is probably one of the items I will not use. I must say it was fun to search and watch some of the items that have been video, but I do not see the need. I did like the instructional ipod videos that where attached to the challenges. They where of great help in the confusing process of some of the items. I still am confused about the use of flickr, especially in loading pictures on a blog site. I hope to figure this out because I do intend to KEEP on Blogging. My family is interested in doing a page so we can share photos with family members from out of state.

Beside the picture idea, I think the next hardest part was ListenNJ since I have not been able to download a book. I have been told that it really is not that hard; how ever, in reading the directions I am not sure I would be in agreement. I mentioned this problem in an early post. I hope this does not completely screw me up. I promise I have tried.

I was impressed with librarything and do intend to do more in this area. I do hope that the library can use some of this technology to enhance our on-line catalogue. I also think that the committee should be using some of the databases (like the wiki) that can be edited for their notes and meeting planning. I feel that our library in general, is doing a good job in keeping up with the new technology. I know we are limited by the scope of the company's we use. We have to keep up to with the trends and we have to keep training our staff to train the public.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


So far I have had no luck in this site to listen anyway. I tried to download on a staff comp but no luck. Tried it at home but became very confused, so I will try again.
I do think that this is a great idea and will become very popular for travelers. The tutor was good but still confusing for me. I am the sort of learner (hands on) that needs to see the actual process before it sinks in.
The books that are available are numerous and varied. The tutor mentioned being able to download to ipods and even having music available someday soon-all with click of a mouse and the barcode from a library. WOW!!

podcast #21

I found the Podcast searching feature to be very easy to use. I browsed through the top choices and then searched for comedy, books. In this section I Found a great Harry Potter site that discusses the Harry Pooter books chapter by chapter AND then a podcast for the symbolism. This was facinating. I have to go back and try to listen to them all. I know we are suppose to put some kind of link but I have not figured out how to do this. I went to and search Harry Potter-the secrets of Harry Potter.
There is also a featured site on comedy 365. It is very funny but does contain some raw sites, so be careful.
I did have trouble getting some of the podcast to play-the one Earth day never did play for me.


You tube. Well this was something very interesting. I was familiar with the concept but must admit that I had not played around much watching videos.
I took some time to watch the current ones, then I did a couple of searches for gardening, sewing, decorating. I was very impressed with decorating-this search came up with ideas from soup to nuts so to speak. I found Nancy Peters decorating Ukrainian eggs and then I found a great group of videos by Sue Pelly (decoratingden). These were great.
I did another search on dancing and found some very funny clips but not many in the instructial.
As the article said "glorious waste of time", but it is fun and does provide a place for amatuers to be able to send clips and get feed back from people.

Friday, May 2, 2008

just for fun

I am giving you a couple of websties that I found.
My middle daughter lives in Spotswood, NJ which has a very small library but it is connected to the Middlesex consortium called LMxAC Take a browse, pretty interesting. She has been very successful getting information from many sources and picking the items up at the local facility.
Another fun site This is a site of websites created by children 9-19. There are annual competition that encourage kids to form a team and produce a website, enter in the competition. One of the fun winners was a dewey presentation to teach the DD system to other kids. This thinkquest is a great idea. I hope that many schools push the process.


Another comment on challenge 19.
What is content and management award? Well I had to look up the word aggregation before I could attempt to think of the meaning. Aggregation--collecting of units, condition of beaning collected. After looking at the three award sites under this heading-wufoo, and editgrid, I have come to the conclusion that these sites gather information for the people who want to use the site, the site stores the information to make it available at a latter date, produces spread sheets, surveys etc that can be shared and work on by groups.
Sounds goods. Wonder if OCL uses any of these? I think a small busines and or a new business would get much use of these functions especially since they are free at least at the basic level.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

web 2.0 awards

We could spend hours in these award sites. I found this challenge fascinating. Who knew? So many places, so few hours. I guess it is good that someone in Web land is monitoring sites, ranking and watching tags. Was very interesting to search our site in the page strength area. we rated a 3 out of 10 which did not sound to good; however there where other catagories that it seemed the page did better.
In the challenge, we where asked to visit Pandora and Color Blender. I had a good time in color blender. Think this site might be useful in many ways. It was just fun looking at all the different colors blends that one would normally not think to put together. Padora, the music site did not peak my interest because I am not that addicted to music. Think it would be neat if you wanted music on your home compt or on an ipod phone situation. The concept of choosing, editing etc. your type of music was interesting.

In the awards was a catagory called Mashups containing an interesting site called, which seems to be another group of networking sites. I even found a group for crafts, dancing and dating. These sites should cover all my bases, if I ever get time to go back and visit.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hey guys
I made my own pbwiki page. IT is for public viewing but only assigned people can edit.
We are going to put questions that are hard to find and/or asked frequently.
Now the fun begins!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Google Docs or Zoho
Guess they sound good. They format looks like regular word processing with many more features. I like the idea of staff being able to change and or add to the document without e-mailing back and forth. At Brick we are doing compt classes by appointment. If we where all on the same page, this project could have been done by this document instead of paper.
It would have really been interesting if Staff Day was done through this process. I would really like to see an actual project in the process.
I did like the search feature and the colored folders that you could use to help organize the projects. The spreed sheets with images, could be very helpful in a training document. One can also put columns, labels in the projects. I thought the mobile phone option was pretty good feature.

non challenge related

There is a website for recalling Corzine with a petition. Thought some people might be interested. It is legite and certified . Take a look, very interesting thoughts. Was on the radio also today.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

the challenge

Here I am again after going back to try and read all the different items I have singed up. Very time consuming. I was telling my daughters about the blog, and she was laughing. She did like the idea of the wiki site though. She works for a hospital connect to Rutgers and thought that the planning and carrying on of somoe of the duties might be quicker, if they all could use this kind of communication. So Iam spreading the word. I hope that the wiki is a free site. Maybe the hospital already has one. Who knows.

Friday, April 25, 2008

#17 here I come

Well after many tries, I did get to play in the sandbox, without having to ask HOW? I am the red lady so I thought I would type this in red.
I do agree that each branch might well use a pbwiki for the location. Staff could edit the notes from meetings, add corrections or whatever. They might be able to keep in touch with each other in a fun way also. Plan events by being able to take assignments and post answers and/or redo assignments.
I put a note for people to visit my site because I have no one who has visited. IT is disappointing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thing 16

Well, here we go again-overload. One could sit for hours and go from Wiki to Wiki on any subject imaginable. I played around to look for gardening, found a funny one that was a take off on gardening your wiki. One could De Dupe (merge wikis) and Atomize (break up pages into sub catagories) your wiki. I also was fascinated by the Harry Potter page. Many people have visited and commented in this realm. The other cute wiki I stumbled across was Dr Seuss. Very cute. Both places I think a child would also enjoy.
The Ocean County article was well written. Are we famous now?
Library success wiki could have been very useful for me in a couple of my classes last semester. I was impressed. I had heard about Nancy Pearl, so I played around in her pages. There are articles on management practices, leadership skills, and the one that peak my interest was models for weeding. A big deal in the Brick branch at the moment anyway.
WHERE are w? No list for our library. I did visit Morris County. I think it is well done. They list classes programs, direction etc. They even have a Flickr slide show highlighting the inside of the library.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Great library site

Hey I forgot to add a great library Web site This is a library in Maine that has totally embraced the new technology by using Web 2.0 and everything else available for the customers of Maine. This was an awsome place toi visit and see how libraries and customers are using these technologies. Try it

Forgot something

If anyone is reading these post there is a great library that seems to be totally embracing Web 2.0 technology to it's fullest This is a library in Maine. Check out the site and surf in

thing 15

Moving right along here.
Web 2.0-What is it? In order for me to understand this, I am thinking about 2.0 as the name given to the WEB now in our new idea of sharing and searching. This is the place where programmers are writing new, updated software for the public to use to run the hectic life we live. Once customers catch on to these ideas, they will be expecting services to catch up with the ideas that are constantly emerging. I certainly have a long way to go.
I did throughly enjoy reading the perspectives on Web 2.0. They where well written and help me to understand this part of the challenge. I especially enjoyed Anderson's "Away from the icebergs". Sometimes I think I am the icebergs but that is a different story. Three icebergs: Just in case, relliance on user ed, and "come to us". The libraries are already seeing the customers wants us to come to them by way of technology. They also want us to be the teachers, which I am finding that most Librarians are not eqiupped to handle and they want these things to happen NOW. Seems we as a group are trying but are behind the ball at the moment.
The other article I embraced was Nilges :To more powerful ways to cooperate". All this technology is very expensive, so building cooperation within your own system as well as the state and other libraries is the way to go. Nilges being vp of OCLC is the moving factor in this organizations push for Web 2.0. He wants to build new services through useing the entire web that is available now and preparing for what is coming. He seems to be on top of this tech and preparing for the future. This seems like a great goal for ALL libraries to focus on.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

social bookmarking

Was confused as to what a cloud meant, but I think I figured it out. Seems to mean the tags that set up and the size of the tags which represent how many people are useing.
I searched the word crafts-found 3544 different places. Within these groups could find videos references technology and training all dealing with the many types of crafts. The comments where confusing because I was not sure who or why they where commenting.
My co-worker is trying to use this site to mark our favorites but the process is very time consuming. I think this will work good becasue the favorites then will be the same on all our reference computers.
I found the places we where to check out also interesting. I really think the younger generation is going to really enjoy and use these features.
Way to go Stafford!!
I'm sorry gang but this girl is just to over whelmed with all the information to sign up for another challenge. Maybe when we are done, I will be able to go back and play some more. These challenges are taking me mucho time.

thing 14

I still haven't been able to load the video but will keep trying. Exploring this site was amazing. Again the information is overload for me but I think I have the hang of Tech. now. Maybe?
I found that the News site was the number one place people went in this place. It had all kinds of news, videos, stories. This just might be the place to go news.
This thing called Boing/Boing was the top blog which won the Lifetime Achievement and Best group. This was again an overload of places for culture and technology, but I think I will go back to this.
I check out the tags for front page, business and entertainment but was wondering what "by authority" meant. Anyone know?
When I did a search for crafts I was shown many spots for crafts, and chart. Then I click on knitting with many more places to visit. ONE of the places being Lifestyles-WOW this just became mind bogling and went into robots, babies, countries food motherhood. One could just stay moving around in here for ever.
I did like the way the tags do help a person organize and search by normal words.

Friday, April 11, 2008


The staff is having a big debate on world cat-to use or not to use. I think the answer is again the time frame. I found the database easy to use and to find the locations. Will a customer be willing to drive somewhere to retrieve a book? That might be the question. I am still divided in the question of a customer actually using this database. Worldcat would be useful for filling out the form for those who are computer savy.
I look us "A history of Monmouth and Ocean Counties:" published in 1890. There where suppose to be 144 locations with this book but I found very hard to actually locate the book within the different sites that I was linked to.
I looked at the book "Three cups of tea" I found the sumary, description ,subjects and reviews. This was useful and the source found the locations available.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Working at the reference desk, I am familiar with netlibrary. I do think that netlibrary is very user friendly. I have not encountered people having trouble setting up an account or using this site. Customer are thrilled that they can read from home. Since I already had an account, I just played around to refresh my mind. I found some interesting books. I personnally like the browse approach but I did try a subject search. I even placed some more books into my favorites. Check out the book Blogrules. Seemed to go along with this challenge.
I had been on Bartley and project Gutenberg before for one of my classes. They are alright. Again I just enjoy browsing the different quotations. Never seem to have to much luck if I am trying to find a quote about a certain subject.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Hey, Hey I have heard of this. We talk about in my last class from the University of Maine. I did sign up and will try to do some playing around with the site. Maybe I can organize my books at home in some kind of order. At least I will be able to list what I have in the house.

20 things to watch

WOW, now I am back to square one. On these 20 things I knew about 5 items. Over my head again. I thought the information about the PEW study was enlightning. I know a little about social networking and agree that the libraries need to get on board with these sites especially for the teens. E-books #12 talk about devices which I had not heard about or thought about. These other readers that they talk about would make the e-book portable.
I was surprised at the statement about DVD's going away. What is streaming? A new word for my vocabulary. Also thought the Open ID to be an interesting concept. Way to many Id's to remember but what about the safety issues?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

two pictures from scanner thing7

thing 2

The seven and half tutor was very interesting. The hardest part of this challenge and the habits is technology. I have the basics but am struggling with anything beyond that. This one of the reasons I was excited about this challenge from administration. Way to go-to help the tech unsavoy in your employees and thanks. Guess this fact about technology is becoming know as I struggle through these assignments.
sewingladies esalto

challenge 7 and thing 2

I hope I completed the sending of the e-mail for challenge 7. The scanning part wasn't to bad but I had some trouble with the sending and saving part.

In answer to e-mail about thing was answered in a post before I knew that you had to sign into the bogger before it showed up as a post from me.

Friday, April 4, 2008

much adue

I think I got it. I have set up several feeds on blogline, named them and put them in folders. Did manage to get Time Mag Press and even out county events pages. I have read them. They do add up fast-so be aware and make sure you check them to make the articles go away.
I think this catches me up on my THINGS except for the scanner which I am going to atempt on Saturday. This is very time consuming. Hands up to you guys who are doing these assignments in a hour or more. I am WAY over this time frame.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Well, I set up something through bloglines and have some feeds that interest me. Am I still confused, yes, yes.
I can't seem to get the other items on the to do list on my blogline page. Was going to do Press and event calender. I's keep trying. Any suggestions?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Hermit Crab

Hermit Crab
Originally uploaded by hansigurumi
this was found on flickr, isn't it cute?


Originally uploaded by elainesalto
here's my first photo from the branch

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

my first blog

Now that
I am totally confused, I am blogging. I set this up as instructed and now I am posting. I love to sew and do needle work, so I picked this sign in title.